Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day Uno

Starting off we ran 15 minutes around town. We had a couple issues such as: STOP LIGHTS!! They are so frustrating having to stop and go and stop and go, not to mention the slow people getting left behind if they can't make the light! The other issue we can across was girl number 4 getting bark stuck in her shoe and us having to spend forever trying to get it out!

After we got home we did the yoga exercise as seen in seventeen magazine. It turned out to be very helpful some relaxing and others not so much! The relaxing ones include the tree pose (left) which helped your balance. Talk about balance, the dancer pose (center, up) is the hardest to stay up. Maybe Thursday we will stand still. Cross your fingers! One, warrior pose(right) straightens and relaxes. Our second attempt at Firm and Flex will be Thursday.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

6 Week Plan

Our goal is to become fit by the end of the summer. That means we have 6 weeks, 6 workouts, and 4 goals. There are 4 of us girls taking on this challenge. 2 blogging of us and 2 of us modeling.

Girl 1-Lose a little belly fat and get more fit

Girl 2-Turn access fat into muscle

Girl 3-Stay fit for gymnastics

Girl 4- Get muscles for her sport

We got this idea from the August 2010 issue of Seventeen magazine. Along with the workouts, exercise chart (seen at right) and most of the health food. Our idea is for people to be able follow our adventure into healthy living. In that hopefully it will inspire them to take on their own adventure.

The top right picture is of our 6 week plan that consists of 6 different types of work outs- Firm and Flex, Burn Fat, Tighten All Over, Flat Abs, Legs, Butt- and 21 tips. We work out every-other day improving every time we workout. The chart also includes jogging, mini 30 minute triathlons, walking, and even swimming.